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Since Odyssey House opened its doors in 1967, we have helped more than 100,000 men, women, and young adults achieve sobriety and bring dignity to their lives.

Every day we provide behavioral health care for 2,000 men, women, and children in residential and outpatient drug and alcohol treatment, supportive housing for special needs populations with mental illness, chronic medical conditions, reintegrating into society from alternative to incarceration programs, family reunification, job placement, educational, health, fitness, art, and wellness initiatives.

From the beginning, Odyssey House has provided innovative treatments to a broad array of substance abusers. Today, our various programs provide comprehensive drug and alcohol rehab, medical and dental care, mental health case management, housing support, job and educational services for pregnant women and young mothers with children, teenagers, the mentally ill, people living with HIV/AIDS, the homeless, seniors, and incarcerated and court-mandated clients.

Our programs are embedded in our core values of integrity, commitment to self-help, and respect for the individual, the family, and the needs of the community. These values not only empower our clients but all of us who work and support Odyssey House.

Peter Provet, Ph.D.
President & Chief Executive Officer
Odyssey House and Odyssey Foundation

Who started Odyssey House?

Odyssey House was founded by the pioneering New York psychiatrist Dr. Judianne Densen Gerber.

Senior Management

Peter Provet

Ph.D. President & Chief Executive Officer

John Tavolacci

Executive Vice President & Chief Operating Officer

Durga Vallabhaneni

Senior Vice President & Chief Financial & Administrative Officer

Isobelle Surface

Senior Vice President & Director of Communications

Colleen Beagen

Vice President & Director of Human Resources

Janice Glenn-Slaughter

Vice President & Director of Mental Health & Housing Services

Jeremy King

Vice President & Director of OASAS Residential Services

Jeff Savoy

Vice President & Director of Clinical Support Services

Renas Tili

Vice President & Director of Information Systems & Technology

Abigail King

Executive Assistant to the President & CEO


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