In today's New York Times, Mary Callahan, Odyssey House Senior Director of Outpatient Services, responds to a recent article about training children how to administer naloxone. To the Editor: “Teaching Children in the Bible Belt How to Reverse an Overdose” (front...
Treating an Overdose: A Family Effort
March at the Recovery Center
Here is a sneak peek of some upcoming events at our Recovery Center in the Bronx. You can download a pdf of the full schedule in English and in Spanish to see everything we have to offer. Women's Peer Group Every Monday & Wednesday @ 1 pm OH ROCS Fitness Walk...
Check out our winter newsletter!
The Winter 2020 edition of Odyssey House News is now available online! Learn about how new programs and grants are allowing us to expand our services across the agency, our most recent art exhibition, other recent events, client accomplishments, and more. Click...
Run the 2020 TCS NYC Marathon with Team Odyssey!
We are excited to announce that Odyssey House has been selected as an official charity partner of the 2020 TCS New York City Marathon for the second year in a row! We are thrilled to have the opportunity to bolster our team and bring more attention to our mission:...
Addiction and Mental Health News, Feb. 11
The New York Times: ‘Get Well or Die’: A State Senator Reveals His Addiction Battle By Luis Ferré-Sadurní Peter Harckham’s struggles with substance abuse have shaped his views on opioid addiction and the legalization of marijuana. The New Yorker: The Wrong Way to...
Federal grant expands residential treatment services
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMSHA) has awarded Odyssey House a three-year, $1.1 million grant to expand residential treatment services to ex-offenders with substance use disorders (SUD). The grant will allow us to provide...
February at the Recovery Center
Here is a sneak peek of some upcoming events at our Recovery Center in the Bronx. You can download the full schedule in English and in Spanish to see everything we have to offer. And don't miss Mary Callahan, our Senior Director of Outpatient Services, discussing how...
Odyssey House on BronxNet
Mary Callahan, Senior Manager, Director of Outpatient Services, sat down with BronxNet reporter Daren Jaime to discuss the opioid epidemic in New York City and how Odyssey House's community-based services help individuals recover from substance use disorders.
Training opportunities in February
Odyssey House provides ongoing training for social workers, mental health professionals, and substance abuse counselors. The topics range from training on evidence-based practices to those with an administrative focus. We offer courses approved by the NYSED Office of...
Getting it right: Tamara’s story
"I'm grateful people our age still get a chance to get it right. You know things the younger people don't know because you've been through it." ElderCare client Tamara talks about her opioid addiction and life in treatment at Odyssey House. This video was created by...