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“It wasn’t long ago that my life was a mess.”

At the Mother’s Day Awards Breakfast, Casey was one of two residents from our family center who spoke about their experiences in treatment. Casey, 23, is pregnant with her first child.

pregnant woman in recoveryI feel very lucky to be here at Odyssey House. It wasn’t long ago that my life was a mess.

I had a tough childhood. My parents were struggling with alcoholism and moved around a lot. I also experienced a lot of trauma. I tried to get therapy but I wasn’t ready for it. I started using pills to deal with it but when I was 17, I started using heroin. Once I tried it, I couldn’t stop it.  It numbed the pain and trauma I went through, but quickly it became a living nightmare.

After four years, I was done. One of my best friends died of an overdose. I was so dependent on heroin at that point and I couldn’t find a way to stop using – or how to get help or ask for help. I tried to end my life by overdosing. After my fourth attempt, I realized if I was still alive despite trying so hard not to be, maybe I had a purpose. Maybe there’s a reason why I’m still here.

My first day at Odyssey House I discovered I was one month pregnant. I was scared at first, but now I’m looking forward to it. I was lucky to have ended up in a program for pregnant women and women with children. In addition to learning coping skills and relapse prevention, I’m learning how to be a good mom – through parenting classes and also interacting with the other moms.

Before I came here, I graduated from a medical assistant program. While I’m here, I’m studying for the exam and will take it soon. I’m drawn to the medical field, my goal is to be an RN. I want to help people.


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