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Teens continue their theater training

The Odyssey House Theatre Project (OHTP), following their debut of “When You Shake the Tree” at Theatre Row, picked up again this summer for a six week workshop series. Each week, Odyssey House teens, including some clients new to the project, continued studying the craft of acting and writing through a rigorous three-hour immersion class, giving OHTP the opportunity to build upon their initial success at Theatre Row while cultivating future talent for next year’s project.

In support of this summer series, OHTP attended several productions, including an innovative staging of Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet” by the Hudson Warehouse in Riverside Park. Artistic director Nicholas Martin Smith set the play in present day Afghanistan, illuminating the traditional conflict in the story amidst the back drop of America’s presence on foreign soil, and in the process demonstrating how a play written in the 16th century could be relevant today. After the performance, producer Susane Lee, Nicholas Martin Smith and the entire cast hosted a private Q&A for the OHTP.

Hudson Warehouse’s production of Romeo and Juliet

And if you missed the performance of “When You Shake the Tree,” check out these clips on the OHTP YouTube channel.

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