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You’re not alone. Every day, New Yorkers just like you come to Odyssey House for help—and the results are life-changing. Here are some of their stories.

I found exactly what I was looking for.
Jasmine: Queens
I want to show others that recovery is real.
Rebecca: Bronx
Recovery is a life-long journey. It doesn’t end after you finish treatment.
Crystal: Bronx
My addiction was keeping me from being the mother my children deserved.
Alonzo: Harlem
I’m ready to move on, and get my family back. I’m too old for this. Enough is enough.
Jose: Bronx
My drug use was compromising my future, but Odyssey House is getting me back on the right track.
Anna: Bronx
There are a lot of people depending on me. This is my best and last chance to make things right.
Phillip: Queens
Nothing will change if I don’t change, and change starts here.
Sylvester: Queens
My recovery affects more than just me. I have to do right by my daughter.
Amanda: Long Island
I’ve already noticed how my behavior and attitude have changed for the better.
Heaven: Harlem
My kids need me to be the best I can be, so that they can be the best they can be.
Eddie: Brooklyn
I feel like I can finally breathe.
Angel: Bronx
Now I understand I have to stay focused on my recovery every day.
Vin: Long Island
I have to work on rebuilding my life, and getting back to where I am supposed to be.
Jean: Bronx
I'm more focused on schoolwork and responsible for my actions now.
Pat: Bronx
I am looking forward to showing my family that I can be a better me.
Corey: Harlem
I spent too much time running away from my problems. I knew I had to face them head on, without the use of drugs.
Rolfi: Bronx
I’m going to do whatever it takes to get better.
Kim: Harlem
I feel good about myself again. I learned I need to take care of myself first, and Odyssey House lets me do that.

866-888-7880 Get help now, for you or someone you love.

We’ll help you find a way, regardless of your ability to pay.

What’s the difference between casual use and addiction?

How can you help a loved one who is struggling with addiction?

Need to talk? We’re here to help you, not to judge you.

Want to help? Join us in helping fellow New Yorkers in need. 

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