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Wellness Wednesday Tip: Budget-friendly foods

This week’s Wellness Wednesday Tip from our in-house nutritionist & wellness coordinator, Tara Mardigan:

Food prices have risen coast to coast since the Covid-19 pandemic as supply chains have experienced major disruptions. Keeping nutritious foods on hand is one way to help keep your immune system in balance – a helpful defense against various viruses.

Here’s a list of budget-friendly foods that are packed with nutrition:

Nuts, seeds, plain yogurt, cottage cheese, string cheese, bananas, apples, sweet potatoes, cucumbers, plantains, plantain chips, lentils, dried beans, canned beans, nut butters, eggs, tofu, tempeh, canned sardines, canned tuna, canned salmon, dried fruit, applesauce cups, canola oil, olive oil, coconut oil, trail mix, dried spices, garlic, canned pumpkin, canned tomato, onions, carrots, unsweetened tea, plain oats, whole wheat pasta, regular pasta, brown rice, popcorn, frozen fruit & frozen vegetables.

A few cost-saving tips:

  • Buy in bulk, split with a friend or neighbor if the portion is too large.
  • Purchase plain versions (oatmeal, yogurt). Add flavor with spices.
  • Shop from a list.
  • Avoid food shopping when hungry, or “hangry” (hungry + angry)
  • Invest in high-quality staples. Honey, extra virgin olive oil, spices.
  • Reduce your reliance on take-out. Re-purpose your leftovers.
  • Split a takeout meal into 2 portions or share with a friend or neighbor.
  • Be resourceful. Look for coupons or deals at local markets.
  • Shop at local farmer’s markets & get to know the staff/farmers. Conversations & consistency can help you save some money.

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