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RFYL Weekly: How to become a better runner

Covid-19 still a threat, but the staff and clients of Odyssey House are exercising safely – outdoors and with masks. Outdoor workouts on Randall’s Island are ideal for small team gatherings. Groups of 2-3 people are spread out along the course as team members run/walk the designated route.

This Saturday, February 20th, the team will meet on the grounds at the GRCR facility (13 Hell Gate Circle, Wards Island NY, NY 10035). The workout session will begin at 9 am, heading out west towards the 103rd Street Bridge, continuing along the Randall’s Island walkway for a 4-5 mile run/walk.

The weather forecast reports temperatures in the low to mid-30s with sunny skies; please, dress accordingly, covering your hands, head, and ears. All participants are to actively follow the CDC guidelines, wearing face masks at all times and adhering to social distancing protocols.

Running Tips To Help You Become A Better Runner

Our expert guide will help you become a better, stronger and injury-proof runner, whether you’re a veteran or just starting out.

Run Your Routine
The key to becoming a better runner, whatever your distance, is consistency. “The more regularly you run, the sooner you’ll see an improvement in your cardiovascular fitness, an increase in both your sustainable pace and your all-out speed, and better recovery,” says Dixon, before adding a slight caveat. “This only applies if you follow a sensible, realistic and progressive training plan, and be smart with how you execute it. Schedule long runs on days when you are most likely to be able to fit them in. You need to be consistent, but you also need to be realistic.”

Get Stronger
“If you want to be speedy, first get stronger,” says Dixon. “Build strength in your glutes, legs and core, as well as improving your hip, knee and ankle strength and mobility, and working towards better flexibility. Start to think like an athlete and you’ll start to perform like one.”

Excerpted from “31 Running Tips To Help You Become A Better Runner

Coach Andre’s tips

I’m an experienced long-distance runner who has run more than 525 races, and my best advice is to run consistently, get stronger, and run smarter. Running smarter is simply paying close attention to your body movement. Running mechanics can build mental stamina, reduce stride effort, and help prevent early muscle fatigue. Running smarter not harder is the way to go, therefore learn early on how to avoid those injury pitfalls by running more consistently and listening to your body.

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