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Letter to the Editor: Choice of a Drug Czar

To the Editor:

Re “Tough Conservative Picked for Drug Czar, Officials Say”  (news article, April 26).

The choice of John P. Walters as drug czar gives us some solace in that at last we have an inkling of President Bush’s position on drugs. But reports that Mr. Walters favors enforcement, supply reduction and severe sentences for repeat offenders tell us that we have our work cut out to convince him and President Bush that reducing demand through treatment and prevention programs is sound, not soft, public policy.

No one can deny that Mr. Walters has the experience to lead a national anti-drug campaign, but from our position as a treatment provider of intensive programs for chronic drug abusers, I hope that he also has the compassion.

Isobelle Surface
Vice President, Communications
Odyssey House
New York


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