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Doing well by doing good: A day of service at Odyssey House

On July 26th, approximately 50 staff members from international branding firm Siegel+Gale joined Odyssey House to paint a mural and the playrooms at the Manor Family Center. The images and mural painted by Siegel+Gale bring a touch of whimsy to the playrooms and create a relaxing space for the facility’s residents.
Siegel+Gale co-CEO David Srere said the idea for the day of service is rooted in the heritage of the company: doing well by doing good. He said, “This kind of day, when you’re using your skills, passions and talents to contribute to something that is really important and larger than any one of us, is a critical, fundamental underpinning of what Siegel+Gale is all about.”
When considering how they could contribute to Odyssey House, Howard Belk, co-CEO of Siegel+Gale, said that art seemed like a natural fit. “One of the tools that Odyssey House uses to help their clients overcome their challenges is art,” said Mr. Belk. “So we went to art because we’d seen the power of it already. And we’ve created these fun and light-hearted murals to lift the spirits of the residents here.”

Odyssey House President Dr. Peter Provet discussed the significance of the day of service by recognizing the value of partnerships. “This kind of corporate connection validates the work we do,” Dr. Provet said. “It gives our staff and clients a belief that they are not alone, that others care for the struggle they’ve gone through and the commitment they’re making by being at Odyssey House, and so we thank Siegel+Gale enormously for being there for our clients, their families, and for our entire organization.”

Odyssey House first connected with Siegel+Gale three years ago when they helped us refresh our visual identity with a vibrant, award-winning logo. Since then, Justin Peters, global executive creative director at Siegel+Gale, who led the logo design project, joined the Odyssey House Boards of Trustees and hosted the 10th anniversary receptionfor the Odyssey House Art Project. 

See all the photos from the day on our Flickr page.

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