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You can help Odyssey Foundation win up to $20,000!

You can help Odyssey Foundation win up to $20,000! From now until February 14th, Small Token is holding a “Giving Has No Season” contest to reward nonprofits $5,000 per week.
To enter, use Small Token to send a meaningful gift to someone you care about. Express thanks or celebrate a special occasion by donating to Odyssey Foundation on their behalf. Each week, the charity that receives contributions from the largest number of users during the previous week will win $5,000.
How to help Odyssey Foundation win:
  1. Download the Small Token app.
  2. Choose Odyssey Foundation (Do not select Odyssey House).
  3. Make a minimum donation of $1 each week during the competition.
Small Token is a new iPhone app that allows individuals to make donations to their favorite nonprofit organizations on behalf of someone else. Learn more here.

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